“Again!” shouted Grendar. Yovin stood up slowly, rotating his arm and grimacing. Overhead, gulls yelped as loudly as the sergeant. The sailors sat on barrels or worked with rigging while they watched the soldiers training. Over the last month, Grendar had ramped up his training regime, trying to get everyone back into shape after their injuries and exhausting marching. So far, Yovin was doing better than Carrak, and Carrak better than the ever-bitter Lerela. But even Yovin had only scored two hits on Grendar at the cost of many bruises. Continue reading Aralim 111
Therelin 13
Therelin woke up groggily. Was the sun even shining? He had heard a thump in another room that had awoken him. His tavern was not as comfortable as his home in Keth city had been, but it served its purpose fine. He rolled up to a sitting position and rubbed his eyes.
It was the morning, but the glow on the horizon was from the shine of a hidden sun. He would be attending Master Ethraw’s market stall once again. The coin pouch on his dresser looked plump from where Therelin sat. The merchant’s generosity was certainly appreciated by the wayward magician. Continue reading Therelin 13
Raya 55
After Commander Ramas’ visit, Raya spent another week in her cell. Guards then brought her to a small room on the third floor of the seemingly enormous building in which she was imprisoned. The room had a small bed, an actual door between her living space and her privy, and a small shelf supporting several books. Continue reading Raya 55
Therelin 12
To Therelin’s delight, Maia didn’t lead him toward any of the archives he had studied in already. When they headed north of the Grey Temple and wandered amidst enormous, ancient, brick buildings, Therelin finally asked her where she was taking him.
“To the Library of the Atmos Septi.” Her reply took a moment to sink in for Therelin. The low-tier research pass he paid for through the Academy of Ular Graan did not allow access to this Library. When she saw the look on his face, Maia added, “Master Nolicrin’s pass,” and flashed a badge at him. Continue reading Therelin 12
The Soothsayer
Splashing waves applauded the passage of the dugout. It was a nearly cloudless day, at last, and the water between the dugout and the outrigger log was as bright a blue as the winding paint that articulated the choruchor under Kotak’tak’s skin. While many of the Elu’ar—seeing men—were prone to rigid, straight choruchor, Kotak’tak’s spirit had shown itself to be one as convoluted as the tides. Kotak’tak looked up at the sky as he piloted his dugout between the dotted islands of Korhos. Soon he would be out on the water plain, and he would be able to see the omen true. Soon enough. Continue reading The Soothsayer
Farek 60
Devender Akursh made for excellent conversation on the road. They chatted about topics from the weather in Bellasa to the miasma that had driven mad the Baron’s army on the Great Isle—which Farek had asked Devender to investigate. Devender had learned of several magicians who could cause a similar effect—such as paranoid delusions—in individual subjects, but he was still amazed at the story Farek had told. Farek, on the other hand, had hardly considered magic as the cause of what seemed a major chemical cloud.
Their escort of thirty guards led them back to Soros without incident. They arrived close to the end of the month, delivering their captured and their wounded to the estate on Coin Hill before dispersing into the city for some rest and rehabilitation. Continue reading Farek 60
Aralim 110
The voyage from Varravar to Hawsi was as rainy as expected. As Devran had told them on their departing journey, the Sweltering Water and the Pit were places on Gethra where humidity reached its highest; it rarely stopped forming droplets in the air. During most such lulls, the top deck of the Wayward Traverse became a popular location for the travellers to gather. Grendar would train his warriors; Devran would remove his sweaty shirt and relax, to ponder and occasionally make notes in his notebook; and Nill would speak with members of the crew, watch the guards fight, or read from a tattered book she had trade for in Varravar. Rain or relief, Aralim contemplated the Path and the visions he had seen under the lake of Maga. Continue reading Aralim 110
Farek 59
The table was set with plates of garlic seared venison, bowls of moist fruit, and a basket of fresh bread. The aroma made Farek’s stomach growl and, he had eaten only an hour ago. Long-neck flasks of cider and ale were companioned by pots of gravy and beakers of honey, while a small bowl of sugary jam cornered the main nourishments.
Lannon had been sitting in front of the table for nearly twenty minutes before Farek casually entered. Farek chose a honeyed date from one of the small dishes and popped it into his mouth. He smirked at its sweetness and settled into the armchair across from his starved captive. Lannon regarded Farek dully and said nothing, so Farek leaned forward and poured a single goblet of red wine. He leaned back again, sipping it. Continue reading Farek 59
Renado 60
The enormous walls of Ith were still there. The trails of smoke overhead still marred the sky. The sprawling metropolis was as Ren had left it: massive, melancholic, and madly beyond any man’s control. Ren and his men had to beat a few rogue guards senseless just to enter through the eastern gate where they had many-a-time arrived at the city. One man tried to stab Virn with a knife before the little skirmish was done. When Virn caught the blade in the palm of his hand and put his other fist through the side of the man’s skull, Ira yelped. She spent the rest of the afternoon staring at Virn. Continue reading Renado 60
Therelin 11
Therelin was not certain if he would continue paying for his Ular Graan research pass after his already paid second month was expired. After all, he had several months worth of reading in the Hall of Three Winds and was a lot more eager to absorb knowledge under Master Nolicrin’s purview. So, for now, Therelin spent most of his evenings studying in archives belonging to the Academy instead of studying at his newfound shrine. Continue reading Therelin 11