It took Farek nearly a week to get everything in order. Lord Thrane had not heard back from his contacts in Lo Mallago yet, so Farek managed to convince the lord to share a few names. Contrarily, Lord Sha was eager to provide detailed instructions of who Farek should speak with to deliver the details they had learned about Harloss and his “blue hand” guards.
Farek had to select some guards of his own. At Matek’s recommendation, he ordered a man known as Ayvim Four-finger to accompany him and his equally-scarred friend. Farek remembered the infamous brawl that had claimed one of Ayvim’s ring fingers. Norrey’s Pub had nearly been destroyed that day.
Captain Vergo, who commanded the defences of House Gallendris, recommended a good friend of his, a woman named Ralla Navero. With Matek, Ayvim, and Ralla preparing their supplies and selecting a trustworthy ship’s captain, Farek made his round of farewells.
Jannia wished him good fortune and provided him with a file listing important individuals in Lo Mallago. She promised to send a letter as soon as she learned the details of the proposed alliance meeting. Farek promised to write her more often than he had on his last voyage.
Farek was surprised when his conversation with Devender eventually got onto the topic of Lo Mallago itself. The magician said he had never been there before and, at Farek’s invitation, agreed to join the voyage. The young sage had helped Farek significantly more than once—not to mention saving his life from Lannon’s flour fire-ball; he would be a welcome addition to their team.
It was Simi who gave Farek the hardest time, emotionally. She had remained nearly a shut-in these past few moons, despite her strong health. Dorean spent all his time with her just the same, so Farek began his farewell with, “Don’t get married while I’m away.”
Simi scowled at him from the armchair where she sat. Farek had entered and stood near her, looking out the window at the sunny rooftops of Soros. “Same goes for you,” she teased him.
“I would like to walk you down the aisle, at the very least,” Farek said, patting her hand.
Simi didn’t reply. She nervously stood up and looked through the glass windows with him. Sunlight streamed against them, feeling warm where it hit Farek’s stomach and thighs. He looked at Simi and smiled. “You are still beautiful, Simi,” he said. “You can trust me on this, since I’m excessively vain.”
His younger sister sighed. Her bubbly skin did not hide her vibrant eyes and her unavoidable smirk at Farek’s forced humour. “Every day is another step,” she said. When Farek raised an eyebrow curiously, she explained, “Dorean makes me take one step farther from my door each day. Maybe I’ll be in the Great Hall by the time you return.”
“Then I can look forward to you welcoming me home once again,” Farek said, and held out his arms for an embrace.
His sister stepped into it and they held each other for a moment. “Just don’t be gone as long as last time,” she mumbled into his shirt.
“I’ll try, but things never seem to go as planned—not when I plan it, that is.”
It was a sadly quiet walk toward the harbour. As much as Farek was looking forward to setting out on his next adventure, Lannon had seemingly destroyed his home. Nothing felt as it had before and there was nothing Farek could do to put it back the way it had been.
Yet, today was a sunny day, and he was boarding a ship with his friends. By the time they crossed Raider’s Bay, Farek’s spirits had risen. Lo Mallago awaited—with answers and perhaps his future wife!