Once again, Arn was training in the swamplands of Razaad. Since his return to the island after Scoa, he had grown his muscle mass substantially and each blow of his training staff smashed off an aged mathhar trunk with a thud. His metal sword lay nearby, wrapped in a scaly animal hide to protect from the elements—he trained with it sometimes, but it used control, not muscle strength, and he wanted both. He rotated around the tree as he trained, practicing his footwork in the moss and soft mud, scaring away any critters that ventured close enough.
He saw them coming early, thanks to his movement around the tree. Two men were walking down the slope with spears; they approached quiet-like, through the damp woodland. Arn continued training, paying them notice. He turned his back to them in his next rotation, but made certain he was facing them when they got closer. Continue reading Arn 41